The power of if / else statement in WordPress

The requests mentioned above, can be implemented with a smart if /else statement solution:

<!--sidebar conditional navigation sidebar-->
        <?php if (is_page_template('page-services.php') ) { ?>
                <!--than include the services specific navigation-->
                <?php include("side-nav-services.php") ;?>
			<?php } elseif ( is_home(7) || is_single() || is_category() ) { ?>
                <!--if not, include the blog navigation for blog section-->
                <?php include("side-nav-blog.php") ;?>
			<?php }
        	else { ?>
            	<!--if not anything from above, include the generic page navigation for the rest of the pages-->
                <?php include("side-nav-pages.php") ;?>
            <?php } ?>

Code explained:

First statement

The first piece of code tells us if we have a page template page-services.php, than it should include the navigation for that part. The side-nav-services.php contains:

   <div id="side-nav" class="side-nav-services">
                        <!--the code from below will display sub-pages of services page with the id of 4-->
			<?php wp_list_pages('child_of=4&title_li&depth=1'); ?>
                <!--this code will display the popular links, manageable from wordpress backend-->
        	<?php get_links(); ?>

Second statement

The second portion of code, includes instead, the blog links from the file side-nav-blog.php for blog index, categories and single page. Here, the sidebar contains:

   <div id="side-nav" class="side-nav-blog">
      		<ul><h3>Latest Posts</h3>
        	<li><a href="<?php bloginfo('url') ;?>/health-wisdom">Health Wisdom Blog</a>
					<?php wp_get_archives('title_li=&type=postbypost&limit=10'); ?>
        	<li><a href="<?php bloginfo('url') ;?>/health-wisdom">Health Wisdom Blog</a>
					<?php wp_list_categories('&title_li='); ?>
		<?php if ( function_exists('wp_tag_cloud') ) : ?>
        <ul><h3>Popular Tags</h3>
            <?php wp_tag_cloud('smallest=8&largest=22'); ?>
        <?php endif; ?>

Third statement

The last logic, tells that if there is no blog or services section it should load the normal navigation. side-nav-pages.php contains:

   <div id="side-nav" class="side-nav-pages">
        	<?php get_links(); ?>


While the same result could have been accomplished with other method, by creating page templates for each sidebar, that method is more clumsy and the site harder to maintain.
If / else statements, can be of tremendous help in accomplishing tasks with WordPress (or other CMS applications) and can be used for displaying categories in a certain way or output code only in desired areas of the website.
This programming logic, also allows the developer code faster and the websites will be easier to maintain.